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Studio Art: Find a Book

Browsing for Print Books

The following categories of books are recommended for Studio Art students:

N     Visual Arts, General

NA   Architecture

NB  Sculpture

NC  Illustration, Design, Drawing

ND  Painting

NE  Printmaking

Searching for Books

Search for books in the Library catalog. If you have trouble finding a book, please ask the Library staff for help. For eBooks specifically, see:

Many eBooks are also in the Library's catalog; see the GIF below (clickable) or the written directions for help accessing them.

Understanding Different Types of Art Books

Monograph - a specialized work of writing (in contrast to reference works) on a single subject or an aspect of a subject, often by a single author, and usually on a scholarly subject.

Catalogue Raisonné - a comprehensive, annotated listing of all the known works of an artist either in a particular medium or all media. See the database of published raisonnés for a complete list.

Exhibition Catalog - a printed book produced to accompany a temporary exhibition or installation at a gallery or alternative space. It documents the contents of an exhibition, providing a forum for critical dialog between curators, artists, and critics.

Anthology - a collection of writings in similar form from a similar time, or about a similar subject manner, but by various authors.

Reference - a book containing useful facts or specially organized information, such as an encyclopedia or dictionary. It is often a good starting point for conducting research.

Textbook - or "survey" text, offers basic, accepted facts, research, theories, or knowledge about a particular subject that is typically used by or required knowledge for people studying that subject.

Artist's Book - a medium of artistic expression that uses the form or function of “book” as inspiration. It is the artistic initiative seen in the illustration, choice of materials, creation process, layout, and design that makes it an art object. 

College for Creative Studies website