Luna Image Collections contain over 50,000 twentieth century images, and over 25,000 twenty-first century images (CCS credentials required).
Art21 - Premiering a new season every two years, Art21 focuses exclusively on contemporary visual art and artists.
UbuWeb - This resource for avant-garde and hard-to-find material offers recordings of performances, video art, sound art, and visual, concrete, and sound poetry, as well as written work.
Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI) - The EAI collection of over 3,500 works spans the mid-1960s to the present. Works included range from seminal videos by pioneering figures - such as Nam June Paik, Bruce Nauman, Martha Rosler, and Joan Jonas - to new digital works by emerging artists, including Seth Price, Paper Rad, Cory Arcangel, and Takeshi Murata (CCS credentials required).
Franklin Furnace Moving Image Archives - From Pratt Institute, the Franklin Furnace Moving Image Archives provides access to audiovisual documentation of art events - including performance art - presented or supported by Franklin Furnace.
The following museums have made the public domain works within their collections available for high resolution downloads. Use the links below to search the collections.
Classroom by Will Ryman, 2015