Art21 - Premiering a new season every two years, Art21 is the only series on United States television to focus exclusively on contemporary visual art and artists.
Smarthistory YouTube Channel - Partner to Khan Academy, Smarthistory is a free resource for the study of art history. Check out their videos for information on specific artworks and artists, overviews of stylistic movements, explanations of various techniques, and more.
UbuWeb - UbuWeb is a large web-based educational resource for avant-garde material. Founded in 1996 by poet Kenneth Goldsmith, it offers visual, concrete, and sound poetry, film, and sound art mp3 archives.
Franklin Furnace Digital Collections and Archives - From Pratt Institute, this archive consists of audiovisual documentation of art events such as performance art, presented or supported by Franklin Furnace.
Internet Archive: Moving Image - This site offers free movies, films, and videos, ranging from feature films, to stock footage, to home movies.
Open Culture - Watch 1,150 movies free online including classics, indies, film noir, documentaries, and other films.
Women Film Pioneers Project - A scholarly resource, this explores women’s global involvement at all levels of production during the silent film era.